Former Computer Engineer Reveals how to

Double Your Productivity INSTANTLY 

Using This

9 Second Forcing Function Trigger

Mani Vaya

Founder of 2000 Books & Focus Blocks

Is this You?

Do you often think to yourself: 

  • I should have been much further ahead in life by now
  • I work so hard but my life's accomplishments don't reflect that
  • I have so much potential... but my time is ticking away

Does the end of your work day often feel like this:

  • I was very busy but I did not accomplish much. I feel scattered.
  • I feel tired and unsatisfied from the day's work. I did not WIN this day
  • I worked so hard.... but I didn't get the most important projects done. 

Do you find yourself: 

  • Procrastinating on your most important projects and tasks
  • Feeling distracted all day long
  • Feeling very busy, but not accomplishing much 
  • Feeling tired and unsatisfied with the day's work
  • Trying yet another productivity idea or system - only to find 2 weeks later that it's not working for you anymore

I know you are feeling this way because just a little while ago, this was exactly my life....

Working hard and feeling stuck.

Feeling tired from the day's activity but feeling like I didn't get much done.

Living a life devoid of all joy.

I got the shock of my life when I heard the fateful words....

"Mani, I want to break up with you," my girlfriend said. 

And then she explained to me all the reasons why she wanted to break up. She said things like:

  • “Mani, you are not spending enough time with me. I don't feel cared for. I feel distant.”
  • “Mani, you are NEVER fully present with me. Even when you are at home, your mind is on your work - you are constantly on your phone, computer and emails”
  • “Mani, you work from 6 am to 7 pm. And then you come home and work again - meetings, emails, phone calls, etc till you fall asleep. Is this our future forever? What kind of relationship is this? I don’t want this.”

I tried to argue with her by saying things like:

  • “I am building a business and that means I have to work very hard.”
  • “I am doing this hard work for our future.”
  • “I have so many emails, projects, team members and communications that I can't just keep up.”
  • “Once I am done with this project, we can go on a vacation.”

None of my counter arguments helped. In fact she only got more enraged and angry at me. She thought that I was not serious about this relationship and it was time to end it. This was a rude shock for me.

My relationship was about to end because I was failing at productivity….

But I was a Productivity Expert!!

My name is Mani Vaya and I am the Founder and CEO of 2000 Books - a book summary portal for entrepreneurs.

In my position, I have literally read, studied and summarized all of the greatest books ever written on productivity, time management, goal setting, execution, routines, habits, brain performance etc. 

At last count, I had read and summarized over 70 books in the domain of productivity and time management.... very few people in the world can match me on that.

 Not only that, I had created 2 bestselling courses and coaching programs on productivity: "Never Procrastinate Again" and "Double Your Productivity by 5 PM Tomorrow".

And here I was... unable to end my work day by 5 PM every day. I was working late every night…. Till I fell asleep. Oh… what an irony!

I felt like a complete failure. I could not figure out why I was struggling with productivity when I was one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on productivity.

Here I was Mr. Productivity.... but my relationship was in shambles because of my inability to be productive. Was this a cruel joke? 

In that turmoil... I had a moment of clarity...

I finally figured out why I was failing at productivity

Not only that... 

I finally understood why every productivity system, course, book, journal, app out there ultimately fails

I finally figured out why most of us struggle with productivity and why we jump from: 

  • one productivity book to another... 
  • one productivity blog post to another...
  • one productivity app or journal to another....

Never being able to stay supremely productive for long periods of time.... always looking for a fix.  

You see… almost every productivity system/technique out there assumes that we humans have infinite willpower and self-discipline to put all the best practices of productivity into practice every single day... every single hour.

And that is what causes all these productivity systems to fail...

The truth is  that our willpower, self-discipline and motivation are extremely fickle and limited mental resources. Here right now... gone a few seconds later.

We are all too human.

Our willpower is a very limited resource.... and not something we can depend on in order to do great work every single day.

Here's the thing: No matter how good a productivity system/routines is..... our productivity is limited by our own humanity: our willpower, motivation, self-discipline and ego depletion.

When you have tons of willpower/self-discipline - you follow the system and get things done.

When you are running low on willpower/self-discipline the system starts to fail on you and your productivity plummets.

So what should we do?

In that moment I asked myself....

“How can I design a productivity system that would eliminate the need for willpower/self-discipline in order to be supremely productive?”

In fact I went a step deeper…

I asked myself:

“How can I use my own human tendencies(my ego) to force myself to give my very best no matter how I might be feeling?”

As I was thinking about it, I thought about working out in the gym…

When I go to the gym by myself, I need a lot of motivation and willpower to give my very best in the gym. 

But when I go to a group fitness class, I need ZERO willpower, self-discipline and motivation to give my very best. I know that if I just show up for the Group Fitness Class, I will end up giving my very best in that class.

WHY? Well, it’s because of people....

  • When you are surrounded by others, you hold yourself to a much higher standard.
  • When you know that people are watching you, you feel energized and motivated to give your very best.
  • When you are around other high achievers, you step up to a much higher level of performance.

So… I decided to build something like a group fitness class - but designed for doing highly focused work on an hourly basis.

And in that moment, Focus Blocks was born.

What you’ll learn in this FREE Masterclass:

Science behind Focus Blocks

Neuroscience of Focus Blocks

A large portion of our daily behavior is controlled by four primary neurotransmitters: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins.

When working in Focus Blocks, your brain triggers the release of these primary neurotransmitters which helps you be supremely productive with far less conscious exertion compared to working on your own.

Serotonin - Calm. Happy. Upbeat

Serotonin is the key hormone that stabilizes our mood and boosts feelings of well-being and happiness. Serotonin makes us feel more focused, happier and calmer.

Serotonin is released when you feel special or important for example when you receive a compliment, or a pat on the back.  

In order to trigger Serotonin release, we develop affiliations with groups of people that make us feel like we're part of something important or something that is bigger than ourselves.

Every time you do a Focus Block, you have a chance hit your goal for the hour and be acknowledged by your Focus Block co-workers and Guide for a job well done.  That acknowledgement triggers a Serotonin release which in turn makes you more focused. 

Not only that, every time you show up for a Focus Block, you feel that you are part of an elite group of ambitious people who want to be supremely productive. And that triggers more Serotonin release. 

By fostering a human connection with your Focus Guide and your Focus Blocks community, you build a serotonin trigger that gets pressed with every single session.

Oxytocin - Distraction Free Focus

Engaging in social bonding/relationships triggers the flow of Oxytocin. Oxytocin triggers us to feel safe and connected.

When Oxytocin is absent, our minds wander and we find ourselves mindlessly browsing social Media, or sending text messages, just to feel a connection. We are seeking safety through connection.

When Oxytocin is present, we feel safe and connected.

When you work in a Focus Block, you are on a LIVE Video call with your tribe and that creates a deep sense of feeling connected. As a result, you have a constant flow of Oxytocin in your system.

On the other hand, when you are working by yourself, you do not have access to that community and that Oxytocin release. As a result, you find yourself lonely.... seeking human connection on Social Media.

Focus Blocks create a real connection with your Focus Guide and other participants.

We do this by requiring our members to greet one another at the start of each session, and to check in at the end.

As a result, working in silence, side by side with your Focus Blocks Community is a deeper connection than most people feel throughout their work day.

Oxytocin release also triggers the release of Serotonin - the brain's feel good hormone.

Dopamine - Endless Motivation

Dopamine is like a surge of gratification that comes from accomplishing a goal, big or small. Dopamine is what you feel when you check something OFF your to-do list. 

High dopamine levels lead to enthusiasm and perseverance; low levels to procrastination and self-doubt.

Most people go through an entire day without feeling a sense of accomplishment from their work and hence they get no dopamine surge from their work. 

On the other hand, every Focus Block is designed to give you a surge of dopamine. 

At the beginning of a Focus Block, you commit to a goal. At the end of the Focus Block, when you accomplish the goal you committed to, you get a dopamine hit. That dopamine leads to enthusiasm and perseverance. Now, you look forward to hitting your next goal in the next Focus Block. And that becomes a self sustaining dopamine cycle.

Endorphins - Push Past Mental Limits

Endorphins alleviate pain, stress, anxiety and depression and help you push past your limits of mental/physical exhaustion. 

A recent University of Oxford study has shown that members of a rowing team who exercised together were able to tolerate twice as much pain as when they trained on their own [2].

As a result, they were able to work out longer and harder compared to working out by themselves. 

It happens because of the Endorphin release triggered in our brains when we are involved in group activities. 

The study says that since endorphins help to create a sense of bonhomie and positive effect, this effect may underlie the experience of warmth and belonging that we have when we do communal activities together. 

Focus Blocks trigger Endorphin release because every Focus Block is a communal activity - during every Focus Block, we are all co-working on LIVE Video Calls with participants from around the world.  

Psychology of Focus Blocks

Flow State

Focus Blocks are designed to get you into what psychologists refer to as Flow State---long stretches of intense focus that:

  • Improve performance [11]
  • Produce intense feelings of enjoyment [12]
  • Improve overall feeling of happiness [13]
  • Reduce anxiety and boost self esteem [11]
  • Improve your levels of persistence [14]

Every Focus Block starts with a very precise, guided 5 minute Focus Ritual that gets you into Flow State using practices such as Micro Goal Setting, Social Commitment, Moderate Time Pressure, Meditation, Visualization, and Distraction Elimination.

Once the Focus guide finishes the 5 minute Focus Ritual, you do 50 minutes of deep work and hit flow state consistently and effortlessly. 

Areas related to the brain's dopamine based reward system are more active during flow state (Ulrich et al., 2014)

This leads to feelings of optimism and hope, positive mood, and feeling energized or motivated (Ashby et al., 1999). In addition, it can reduce feelings of fatigue or discomfort . Flow states also lead to improvements in intrinsic motivation, and relentless dedication to a task.

In 2008, for example, Johns Hopkins neuroscientist Charles Limb used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine people in flow state. He found the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain best known for self-monitoring (inner critic), deactivated. [16]

Self-monitoring is the voice of doubt - our inner critic. When the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex goes quiet, your inner critic is cut off.

The result is liberation. We act without hesitation. Creativity becomes more free-flowing, risk taking becomes less frightening, and the combination lets us achieve breakthrough results. 


Real-Time Human Accountability (Productivity Up: +230%)

Being accountable to ourselves is hard. It is very easy to let ourselves off the hook. 

Studies have shown that the single biggest driver of accountability is other people.

That is why,  in every Focus Block, you are accountable to your group to get your most important work done without any distractions - In Real Time. 

We add an additional level of real-time human accountability by recommending that you leave your camera ON throughout the Focus Block. 

This real time human accountability forces you to work on your commitments and get your most important work done no matter how little willpower you have. 

Within the ADHD community, “body doubling” (having someone else sit quietly with you while you work) is a popular practice for getting tough tasks done. [17]

One study showed that our performance goes up by 230% if we are being held accountable to others (compared to working by ourselves) [18]

Implementation Intentions (Productivity Up: +91%)

When you work by yourself, it is easy to do "stuff" and feel busy - while not working on what is truly important. You do a lot of things - but at the end of the day it feels like you didn't make much progress. 

The cure to this is using Implementation Intentions. 

An implementation Intention is a plan you make beforehand about where and when you will act on a specific goal/task. 

Studies show that our chances of following through on our goals/tasks go up by nearly 91% with clear implementation intentions [5] [19].

Focus Blocks have multiple layers of Implementation Intention built it. 

When you schedule a Focus Block, you create an implementation intention about precisely when you will do a certain task. 

Not only that, during a Focus block, when you commit to doing a specific task you strengthen your implementation intention even further.  

That Intentionality forces you to focus and dramatically increases your productivity.

Moderate Time Pressure (Higher Creativity)

Teresa Amabile's research at Harvard University shows that having time pressure leads to much higher levels of productivity [20].

Not only that, when people have low to moderate time pressure, people are the most productive and the most creative. 

That is why every Focus Block has a precise 50 minute Deep Focus Work Sprint. 

Knowing that you have 50 minutes to complete a certain task puts you under a low to moderate time pressure which allows you to do your best, most focused and creative work.

Social Pressure (Productivity Up: +32%)

When you are working by yourself, it is easy to allow your energy or mood or feelings to dictate whether you will do your best, most focused work or just waste time.  

But when you are surrounded by a community of other ambitious people - ALL working on their important work, you summon the energy and motivation to get your most important and difficult work done. 

We place heightened demands on ourselves when are in the presence of others.  

We do this to fulfill certain implicit and explicit expectations and achieve social acceptance.

Research shows that the mere presence of another person improves human performance by up to 32 percent. [7]

Every Focus Block has several layers of Social Pressure built-in. 

At the most basic level, you are on a Video Call with your Focus Guide and other ambitious people from around the world. That forces you to step up and bring your best self every single time. 

Next is the specific intention you set with your group. You now feel the pressure to fulfill that expectation you set for yourself. 

Also, you have a desire to be liked and respected by your Focus Blocks peers. This drives you to even higher levels of performance.

Pre-Commitment (Procrastination down: -70%)

Pre-commitment is making a commitment to a task or goal in advance. Pre-commitment dramatically improves our chances of following through on our goals. [1][3]

Without Focus Blocks, you might have a generic commitment with yourself to work between the time you wake up and the time you go to bed. 

However, every Focus Block session is a specific and concrete commitment – when you book a Monday 7 am session you're essentially saying, "I commit to start working at 7 AM sharp on Monday".  Not sometime around 7 am. Not sometime in the morning. Not at 7:08 AM.  

That is because every Focus Block starts and ends precisely ON the hour. If you are late by even 1 minute, you will not be able to join the ongoing Focus Block and you will have to wait for the next one. Hence every Focus Block creates an externally imposed deadline for you.  

A 2002 Research by Dan Ariely at MIT showed that externally imposed deadlines are far more effective than self imposed deadlines when it comes to eliminating procrastination [4].

On cognitively demanding tasks, externally imposed deadlines can reduce procrastination by nearly 70% and increase work output by nearly 30%. 


No Distractions Allowed

A research study at University of California, Irvine showed that when someone is distracted, it takes them 23 minutes and 14 seconds to get back to the same level of Focus as before the distraction [21]. 

In other words, those 30 seconds to check Email or News aren't just 30 seconds of waste. Its more like 23 minutes and 44 seconds of waste. 

That is why we do not allow ANY distractions during a Focus Block. 

During the 5 Minute Focus Ritual, we ask you to put your Phone on Do Not Disturb Mode and keep it away from you(in another room if possible).

One study showed that just by having our phones around us decreases our Active IQ by 10 points. [22]

We also ask you turn off all notifications on your computer (Messenger, Email, Slack etc - ALL OFF).

We recommend that you shut down all other windows and tabs you don't need. 

We recommend that you let your family/household member know that you are in your Focus Block (meeting) so they won't disturb you. (A lot of our members use the LIVE Focus Blocks Zoom window to show to their family members/colleagues that they are in a meeting and should not be disturbed.)

Without all these distractions, your productivity will soar to levels you may have never experienced before and you will achieve your goals much faster. 

Single Tasking

Most people operate at very low levels of productivity because they multi-task - constantly switching between tasks as they work.

On the other hand, single tasking (doing one thing at a time) has 3 major benefits over multi-tasking [15]. 

  • Our stress levels go down 
  • Our quality of work goes up 
  • Our work output goes up by 85%

Focus blocks are designed to force you to single task every time. During the 5 minute Focus Ritual you make a commitment to exactly what you will accomplish during that Focus Block.

As a result, you stick to finishing that one thing rather than splitting your energy over multiple tasks. 

The end result: Your Goals Achieved (Finally!)

As you do more and more focus blocks, you stack more and more finished tasks and projects on top of each other. 

No excuses, no distractions, just tangible progress every hour. Every day. Every week. Every month. Every quarter. 

The more focus blocks you do, the more you accomplish in life. 

You begin to see that big, overwhelming projects and tasks are just one focus block away from getting crushed. 

You start feeling more confident about yourself and the path you are on.

Now normally, self-sabotage might start creeping in at this point, but you are no longer going about it all by yourself. 

Your Focus blocks are there for you - to keep you accountable and help you get your most important work done on demand. Keeping you on track, holding you accountable, and helping you maintain the momentum and speed you’ve picked up.

The results keep getting better and better over time. 

And so do you.

Imagine your life....

Achieve your biggest goals with speed

  • Imagine finally achieving your biggest business and career goals - because you have an execution system that gets results in half the time.
  • Imagine feeling extremely confident about your business/career and the possibilities ahead…. because NOW you have a secret weapon that turns dreams into reality without all the angst and suffering. 
  • Imagine finally realizing that you don’t have to keep grinding it out for the rest of your life! 
  • Now you have a secret weapon that enables you to get big projects done in half the time so that you can live a full life… and not wait to enjoy your life when you are 70, 80 or 90. 

More Love & Joy in Relationships

  • Imagine finally being fully present with your spouse or your kids.... without the looming pressure of work on your mind. 
  • Imagine finally being able to spend time with your family and friends with ZERO guilt. You won your day.
  • Imagine having a more fulfilling marriage and deeper relationships with your kids because you have more time for them.

A Life of Freedom

  • Imagine getting all your work done by 2 PM every day and then heading out for the afternoon/evening with no worry on your mind.
  • Imagine finally ENJOYING your life every single day... rather than putting it off for "later". We all know that later will never arrive. 
  • Imagine feeling a sense of ease and freedom because you have accomplished everything you set out to accomplish for the day. Now you can enjoy your time as you desire…. You feel free.

A More Fun Life

  • Imagine finally having the time to pursue that hobby that you absolutely love… but never could make the time for earlier.
  • Imagine getting fully immersed in your hobbies without any guilt or worry about not working
  • You know you have earned every minute of your play time and you can truly enjoy them

You are a Winner

  • Imagine falling asleep knowing that you WON the day. You accomplished a lot today and you are proud of yourself. 
  • Imagine getting out of bed - excited to WIN the day in just a few Focus Blocks.... rather than feeling the throbbing pressure of never ending work all day long. 
  • Think of all the people who doubted you….. All the people in your life who didn't believe that YOU could do it! Picture their faces when they see you enjoying your success… while they are grinding it out working 16 hours a day

A healthier you

  • Imagine finally living a fitter and healthier life because you have so much more time for your health. 
  • Imagine finally having the time to workout or go to your favorite group fitness class or hike or walk or run or play your favorite sport every single day. 

Superhuman Productivity is Simply An Appointment In Your Calendar

ONE simple calendar appointment is all you need to double your work output on demand. 

At the core of "Focus Blocks" is one simple idea:

Our precisely engineered LIVE, Deep Focus Work Sprints will help you get 2-3x more done than what you would accomplish on your own.

All you need to do is put a Focus Block on your calendar and watch the magic work. 

Secret 1 - The Power Trigger

The Simple Power Trigger that kills procrastination and makes it dead easy to start and finish the most difficult projects with ease

Secret 2 - The Energy Source 

The Endless Energy Source that charges you up while you are doing difficult/challenging work.

Secret 3 - 2x Speed Vehicle

How to finish that difficult project in half the time you would normally take

What Focus Blocks Members are saying

"As a result of using Focus Blocks, I had my highest revenue month in the last 12 months!"

-Kylee Emge

Founder, CEO Shadow Era Beauty Spa, San Diego, CA

Founder, CEO IGotItFromMyMantra Spiritual Business Coaching

"I did 3 months of work in just 2.5 weeks using Focus Blocks"

-Akash Thakkar

Game Audio and Sound Designer at

"I am in Medical School and I spend a lot of time solving practice questions for my exams. 

Without Focus Blocks, it used to take me 4-5 hours to solve 40 questions. 

Now, using Focus Blocks, I solve 40 questions in 2 hours. Focus Blocks have easily doubled my productivity” 

-James Germi

MD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

"I have doubled my weekly output by doing just 2 Focus Blocks/day.

Using Focus Blocks, I am getting my $100,000+ projects done in half the time.

And now I have time to go the gym or go for a long lunch break or play video games. Simple joys!" 

-Maggie Giele

Online Entrepreneur at

"I have been struggling with ADHD since I was 12. I tried everything - courses, seminars, therapy, books etc. Nothing worked. Even ADHD medicines didn't keep me focused.

But Focus Blocks finally gave me the Focus I was desperately looking for all my life."

-Akash Thakkar

Game Audio and Sound Designer at

"Before Focus Blocks, I felt like quitting. I was drowning in work. Every day I felt bad about myself because I didn't accomplish much. I didn't feel successful. 

But Focus Blocks changed my life. This week, I finished my entire week's planned work by Wednesday. 

Because I accomplish so much in Focus Blocks every day, I feel at peace every day. And everyone in my life is noticing how peaceful I have become." 

-Pam Malta

Owner, Complete TCS, St Louis, MO

" I have doubled my productivity as a result of using Focus Blocks." 

-James Germi

MD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

" I have doubled my productivity as a result of using Focus Blocks." 

-James Germi

MD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

"Using Focus Blocks, I get 2 hours of work done in 1 hour.

Focus Blocks have given me a sense of calm control. I feel like I am on top of it all."

-Peter Roth


"Because of Focus Blocks, I have a lot more FREE time and I am getting a lot more quality out of my days".

-Rodrigo Proenca


"Before Focus Blocks, I constantly felt behind. I felt I was not doing enough. I felt I was not working hard enough. I used to think I'm NOT good enough

Using Focus Blocks, I get a lot done every day. As a result, I feel a sense of inner calm. I have a daily sense of accomplishment and this feeling is absolutely critical for my self-esteem and self-confidence.

-Maggie Giele

Online Entrepreneur at

" Because of Focus Blocks, what took me 4 years was done in 4 weeks!"

-Peter Roth

Teacher, Philadelphia

"Because of Focus blocks, I enjoy my free time without guilt"

-Avery Pawelek

Entrepreneur, Software Development Agency

" I have doubled my productivity as a result of using Focus Blocks." 

-James Germi

MD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

" I have doubled my productivity as a result of using Focus Blocks." 

-James Germi

MD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

"Before Focus Blocks, I was always overwhelmed. 

Now I approach my work with calm control".

-Yasmina Ellins

Entrepreneur, Maverick DNA

"Because of Focus Blocks, I did 1 month of work in 1 week".

-Aayam Shrestha

Entrepreneur, Online Tutoring

"When it comes to results, Focus Blocks are far above EVERY productivity tool I have tried in the past - Planners, Timers, Courses, Systems, Books, Pomodoros etc. You can't compare any of them to Focus Blocks.

Focus Blocks have  doubled my Weekly Output without needing any extra effort on my part. I just show up."

-Maggie Giele

Online Business Owner,

“I used to procrastinate on all the difficult and important things and waste my time on small, unimportant stuff. Now, after using focus blocks, it only takes me 3 hours every single morning to accomplish what used to take me 12 hours.”

-Diego Liu

Video Editor

"I was working late nights everyday, and I was also working every weekend so I had no life for myself. Now, just by doing 2 blocks a day, I finish my work days by 6pm and I get to enjoy my evenings."

-Marcin Walczyk

"What would have normally taken me 3 days to complete, took me about 2 hours when I was on Focus Blocks. And because I was done with it so quickly, I had so much energy."

-Toni Williams

"I've had a lot of really difficult projects over this past year, reviewing grant proposals, which probably take about 10 hours apiece. But focus blocks kept me on task and I've accomplished them all."

-Dr. Diana Murray

"Now I can finish work by 4pm after having a super productive day! I have more time for my daughter Macy and we get to do lots of fun things together.”

-Katy Davis,

Tax Associate, Intuit, San Diego

" I have doubled my productivity as a result of using Focus Blocks." 

-James Germi

MD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

" I have doubled my productivity as a result of using Focus Blocks." 

-James Germi

MD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

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DISCLAIMER: The figures stated on this landing page are our personal figures and in some cases the figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

Customer Support: For all Customer Support issues, please reach out to us at:
